Empower Your small Business with MERCHANT CASH ADVANCE

receives a lump sum payment in exchange for a percentage of its future credit card sales.

If your business have fluctuating revenue streams and inconsistent cash flows then MCA is specially designed for you.

Key Eligibility Criteria:

Our Valuable Customers are





Coffee Shops

Coffee Shops





Dental and Healthcare

Dental and Healthcare



Benefits of MCA

Businesses can access much-needed capital quickly, often within a few days of approval. This agility allows businesses to seize immediate opportunities, address urgent needs, or navigate unforeseen challenges without delays. 

MCAs offer a repayment structure based on a fixed percentage of daily credit card sales. This adaptability aligns the repayment process with the natural ebb and flow of the business's cash flow. 

Unlike traditional loans that heavily rely on credit scores, MCAs consider the business's card sales history and overall performance. This makes MCAs more accessible to businesses with diverse credit profiles.

A Merchant Cash Advance (MCA) is a swift financing solution for businesses. Here's a concise breakdown:

Application and Approval

Apply with basic criteria, providing credit card processing and bank statements. Approval is based on credit card sales history and business performance.

Offer and Funding

Receive an offer detailing the advance amount, factor rate, and terms. Funding is quick, often within days, directly deposited into the business account.


Repay through a fixed percentage of daily credit card sales. Flexible structure adjusts with business revenue, making it adaptable to fluctuations.

Completion and Renewal

Receive an offer detailing the advance amount, factor rate, and terms. Funding is quick, often within days, directly deposited into the business account.