Invoice Finance

Invoice Finance functions by releasing funds tied up in invoices for goods or services sold on credit terms.

The primary benefit is the elimination of waiting time for customer payments, providing immediate access to valuable working capital.

This quick access allows for timely payments and eliminates the need to delay critical financial transactions until your clients settle their invoices.

Key Eligibility Criteria:

Our Valuable Customers are



Importers & Exporters

Importers & Exporters



Service Providers

Service Providers

Marketing Agencies

Marketing Agencies





Benefits of Invoice Finance

  • Invoice Finance offers businesses enhanced cash flow, minimised risk of bad debts, and augmented working capital.
  • By selling outstanding invoices to a finance provider, businesses in the UK can access a portion of the invoice amount upfront, freeing up resources to focus on other areas of their operations.
  • Outsourcing credit control and debt collection to a finance provider can help reduce the risk of bad debts and provide a valuable source of funding and financial management support for businesses.

Types of Invoice Finance

Types of Invoice Finance: There are various types of Invoice Finance, known by different names. These encompass invoice factoring, invoice discounting, debt factoring, accounts receivable factoring, CHOC's (client handles own collections), selective invoice discounting, and spot factoring. Despite the varied terminology, the underlying principle remains consistent. The outcome is accelerated payment and increased availability of working capital.

Here is an example of how Invoice Financing operates:

  1. You issue an invoice to your customer, allowing 30 days credit.
  2. Your Invoice Finance provider promptly disburses around 90% of the invoice value.
  3. After 30 days, your customers settle the invoice in full.
  4. The Invoice Finance provider then transfers the remaining amount to you, deducting their fees and interest.

It is not uncommon for credit terms to extend up to 120 days. Invoice Finance proves instrumental in furnishing the necessary funds to bridge this gap efficiently.