Empower Your Business with SECURED BUSINESS LOANS

Discover the power of secured business loans offered by RBK PAY. A secured business loan is a financing solution where borrowers pledge collateral, such as property, to secure funding from lenders. Businesses opt for this option for various reasons:

Key Eligibility Criteria:

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Benefits of Unsecured Loans

  1. Extended Repayment Terms: Secured loans often come with longer repayment terms, coupled with lower interest rates. This combination results in lower monthly payments, easing the financial burden on businesses.
  2. Building Credit History: Successfully managing and repaying a secured loan can significantly improve a business's credit history. This positive credit history opens doors to better credit opportunities in the future, such as lower interest rates and higher credit limits.
  3. Accessibility: Secured loans are generally more accessible to businesses, even those with limited credit history or lower credit scores. The collateral provided acts as security for the lender, increasing the likelihood of loan approval.
  4. Higher Loan Amounts: Secured loans provide businesses with access to higher loan amounts compared to unsecured loans. By leveraging collateral, businesses can offer added security to lenders, resulting in increased funding capabilities.

Explore our Secured Business Loans

Fixed Term Loan:

  • Provides a lump sum repaid over a fixed period with interest.
  • Loan terms based on the borrower's creditworthiness and business performance.

Interest Only Loan:

  • Payments cover only the interest for a specified period, typically a few years.
  • After the interest-only period, payments include both principal and interest.

Secured Line of Credit:

  • Offers a revolving credit facility secured by collateral like property or assets.

It's possible for a business to use personal assets as collateral, often done when the business is relatively new. However, this approach carries personal risk and should be approached with caution.